Friday, September 30, 2016

Animated Banner Advertisement Photoshop

In my contemporary media class, I created an animated banner advertisement using photoshop.

This project included 13 steps of instructions that I had to follow.  Using a stock photo of a famous rapper, the text tool and designing a buy now button I was able to animate my first banner add.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Personalized Logo Using Adobe Photoshop

For my 3rd CM project, we created a personalized logo using adobe Photoshop.

The logo process involved the following steps: I went to file a new project in Adobe Photoshop.
2.I made a layers one for the name and one for the background then a middle layer
3. the background is a solid color and the middle layer I colored it shaded the sides.
4.and I rounded my name and underlined it.

In conclusion, I think making logos are fun in this class because I like to start getting creative and I think I did a good job on this project

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Basic Photoshop Techniques

In my contemporary media class, I followed a number of videos that introduced me to basic Photoshop design techniques. I learned how to work with layers, combine images, use layer masks, and add creative graphics, text, and effects. I will use these skills to combine design assets into a simple, unique composite for print or online use. I had fun following along making my own image with the sample files.
