Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Academic Assembly Banner Ad

In my contemporary media class, for my final projects I had to complete 4 animated banner ad's this one I did is the academic assembly banner ad and how I did it was I used a photo from google for my background then I used a layer for my text then I animated it and moved it around so it could blink straight down.

In conclusion I hope that this a academic assembly banner ad.

Halloween Banner Ad

In my contemporary media class, for my final projects I had to complete 4 animated banner ad's this one I did is the halloween banner ad and how I did it was I used a photo from google for my background then I used a layer for my text then I animated it and moved it around so it could blink straight down.

In conclusion I hope that this a halloween banner ad.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Basketball Banner Ad

In my contemporary media class, for this weeks assignment we where to choose on of three banner animations to design using Adobe Photoshop.  The process of my design included three layers:  a background layer with basketball players, the wenzlaff toltecs logo, and when and where the basketball meeting takes place.  i decided to slant the animated text in different directions and edit the letters i put the animated text on 0.0 seconds and put it on forever so it could always blink.

Here is a animated banner ad I designed for my high school, EWEC.  its for my high school because we are having a basketball meeting.  

This is an example of the kind of banner I can create as a graphic designer. i work in contemporary media and i can excel in digital media and graphic design. i think i did a good job on my project for being new to animated designing