Monday, November 14, 2016

Business Card Preproduction

Primary color:brown

Secondary color: aqua blue

Primary font type: raymond guzman - (verdana bold)

secondary font type: graphic design & blog designer

Background image/logo idea:skate board logo and a skate park background 



Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Selfie card

in my contemporary media class i made my self a card that looks like a basket ball card. what i did first was i got my photo  and put it on got the background from google the i put chicles on both top or bottom then i added two text that said my name and the other on said senior 2018.
in conclusion i had fun with this project and i'm getting better.

Friday, November 4, 2016


In my contemporary media class I had the opportunity to re design a professional basketball card. 
the process included several steps first I got a picture of of google it was lebron james i got my background from google as well the things I had to do to get it in shaped right I had to use this tool called magic wand so it could take all the back ground out the picture then I added text to this picture I basically did what I did on my first project but I improved on my editing. 

in conclusion I had fun doing this project because this type of stuff is fun to do.